Mel’s Diner

Sharp Knives, Raw Meat and Fire



So this is my BLT Salad.  Sure, it looks just how you would expect a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Salad to look like – Bacon, Lettuce & Tomatoes.  Of course, the obvious choice to capture the bread component of a BLT is croutons, summarily added.  But what about the mayonnaise?  As any self-respecting sandwich lover knows, most sandwiches are really just mayonnaise delivery vehicles.  For a BLT salad, we need a mayo based dressing, of course.  But, what kind of mayo dressing?  How about a mayo dressing made with BACON fat?

Stop.  Just stop.  We should all take a moment of silence and contemplate that.

Bacon Mayonnaise.

So, with a 1/3rd of a cup of bacon fat, another 1/3rd of canola oil and a fresh, free range (honest free range, I know the supplier by name) egg yolk, – I went to Mayo-town.  Whisking away like taste depended on it (and it did) I created a bacon mayo.  So rich, so creamy…so rich!  I added some whole grain dijon mustard and champagne vinegar to thin it out.

The next day, I composed the salad and added the dressing.  The dressing was soooooo rich and filling, I couldn’t finish the salad and like I said, I was bloated and sick all afternoon.  I think I’ve found veggies I like.

April 2, 2014 - Posted by | Bacon, Salads

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